1-2-1 support
Our Community Development Workers provide 1-2-1 support for those times when you feel like you need to talk to someone in a safe, confidential and supportive environment.
Who we work with in Leeds
We can offer 1-2-1 support to people over 16 in Leeds regarding issues related to sex and sexuality. Please reach out to us at leeds@mesmac.co.uk or 0113 244 4209
What we can offer
For 1-2-1 support we can arrange to meet you at our office or an alternative location to discuss your issues in confidence.
We can discuss a broad variety of issues including:
- Risk-taking behaviour
- Coming out/sexuality
- New HIV diagnoses
- Gender identity
- Chemsex support
- Sexual health concerns
If you or the community development worker feel like you would benefit from accessing formal counselling, we may be able to refer you for free counselling sessions with our trained counsellors.
We also support those selling sex who are members of the above communities without judgement and in safe and confidential spaces.